September 16, 2012


One of the best parts of the whole trip was getting to stop in Utah on the way over for a few days. We spent 2 days in Ogden with our sweet friends that we have missed so much. It was a blast, and so good to see everyone again. 

We met up with Dave and Melissa and Rachel and Richard at Cafe Rio, and then headed to the park to meet up with everyone else for some BBQ. There was a fun splash pad and playground for all the kids. It was neat to see everyone with their little kids, because for the first few years there wasn't a single one of us who were parents. We had such a good time catching up and it felt as if we had never left. Thanks to Rachel and Peggy for organizing it all.

We spent the night at Rachel and Richard's new house. We stayed up late talking and eating ice cream, and could have hung out all night if we weren't so jet lagged. The next morning and went to church the next day with Dave and Melissa. Dave and Sam have really matured over the past couple of years. They spent sacrament meeting drawing dragons with laser eyes and helicopters bombing each other. They would pass the paper back and forth, making attacks on each others' drawings. 

Sunday afternoon we had a picnic at Dave and Melissa's house. Their backyard is a dream. Jenna loved the swing, and we loved getting more talking and laughing in with our best friends.

Sunday afternoon we drove down to Provo and spent two days with Sam's parents and Matt and Jill's family. Matt and Jill's kids are so sweet and say the funniest things. We had such a good time getting to see them and had fun swimming, bowling, and playing miniature golf.  


larainydays said...

Okay Utah is fun but compared to Switzerlanf! Get real!

David and Melissa said...

Haha I'm so glad you took a picture of the sacrament program. Classic David and Sam. We loved having you guys here, it was definitely too short. Love the pictures of Switzerland! What a beautiful place.

Emily Creason said...

Piper and I were there too!!!


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