October 27, 2010

Proud to be married to a man who...

Still checks for extra quarters in the ski ball machine :) We had a wonderful night as VIPs at Happy Sumo with Richard and Rachel. Lately I have been craving seafood and sushi. Which I got both of on this evening.
Our after party got pretty wild at the arcade. I just love ski ball. Someday I may have one in my home :) We played so well we were able to get fake teeth and bracelets with our tickets.

October 16, 2010

Conference Weekend

For the past two years, Brittany has been able to make it down for conference. I love being able to make nice breakfast while we watch the morning session, and then go up to Salt Lake for the afternoon session. Hearing the church leaders speak leaves me so refreshed.
I have finally convinced Brittany that rollerblading is awesome! I sacrifice and wear five pairs of socks with Sam's size 12 blades, Britt wears mine, and we blade the Provo River Trail. It has gotten to where she actually requests to go, rather than me forcing her :)

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