April 6, 2010

Not so traditional Easter

Easter this year included none of our favorite traditions, but was totally relaxing and, thanks to General Conference, totally inspiring. Sam and I slept in, made a huge breakfast together, and ate it while we watched the morning session. Due to my cleanse, we didn't do Easter baskets, but bought some of our favorite fruits instead. For our big dinner, we skipped the ham and decided to make our 2 favorites: Sam made shrimp (my favorite) while I made his favorite sweet potatoes, a.k.a. brown sugar, butter, and marshmallow gloop. We bought all the stuff to color eggs, but ended up going to see Wayne and Kenzi instead, who just had an adorable baby girl. I usually am huge on traditions, but this Easter we skipped most of them and it was one of my favorite days yet. I give most of the credit to Conference, which somehow took away my worries and filled me with gratitude towards my Savior.


Rich'n'Rach said...

Sounds like fun! what cleanse are you doing? we did one together once, and I only made it about 3 days because I got sooooo cranky without my solid food haha.


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