January 8, 2010

Christmas Break, Part I

This Christmas break we spent the first week with my family in Arizona, and the second week with Sam's family at a condo in Park City. It was a BLAST!
The traditional Christmas Eve nativity play, with not-so-traditional costumes. You didn't know Batman was part of the nativity? You really should read your scriptures more. Cody was Joseph, I was Mary, Sam was the donkey, Brittany the angel, and everyone else some sort of shepherd.
The traditional white elephant party. There were lots of rare finds, as always. Why does no one ever trade at this party? Ally got the only PG-13 aerobics video ever made.
Ashley got some rocks covered in dog doo-doo
And I got some Preparation-H, applicator included and all. It was used. Gross.


mmm... said...

your white elephant and nativity scene sound like the most exciting i have ever heard of. love it!

Aynna banahna said...

You guys really know how to white elephant. That is awesome!


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