May 11, 2009

biker gang

We love David and Melissa. The other night, at around 10pm, Sam and I got the urge to go on a long bike ride. We knew David and Melissa would agree so we called them up and took off. It was so much fun- I felt like I was 12 again. We got apple pies at McDonalds (where we tried to go through the drive-through, but they wouldn't serve us because we were on bikes). We got shakes at Denny's. We saw a man laying on the grass having a crazy seizure. We should have helped him but we just thought he was crazy. I personally thought he had an Ipod in and was dancing. Fortunately someone else was nicer than us and called an ambulance. We found an open skate park and the guy's did cool tricks and Dave had a hard fall. Dave broke his pedal off his bike (remember me mentioning his bad luck in a previous blog? I wasn't joking). We finally got home around 1am and slept very, very well.


Brooke said...

You guys are crazy! Looks like lots of fun....

chelsea mckell said...

yep, crazy Melissa... I can totally picture the whole thing.

Hey - I might get a ride to Ogden with a friend and leave the fam at home... any chance I could crash at your place?

Brittany said...

that sounds so fun melis! You seem to always be doing fun stuff can't wait to see you in the fall!


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