February 20, 2012

5 Months Old

Time is flying. Jenna is 5 months old today, and such a sweet and happy baby.
I Love:
Sleeping on my hands
Bath time
Anything outside
When Dad comes home
Being thrown in the air
Swinging in the hammock
I Don't like...
Sleeping anywhere besides crib
Being set down :)

February 10, 2012

So Proud

Jenna's new trick is balancing on Dad's hand. No matter how hard she is crying, if Sam stands her up on his hand she breaks into a big grin and looks so proud of herself for pulling it off. She always looks around to make sure everyone is noticing her stunt, and loves it when I clap for her.

February 8, 2012

Hukilau Weekend

When Ashley and I were roommates, for about a year we went to Hukilau Beach every single day. We would ride our bikes down after class and swim, body board, and get tan. Then Ashley had a body boarding mis-hap and refused to body board with me (really I think she decided body boarding wasn't cool), and I got a car and we made our way to more impressive beaches on North Shore. But Hukilau will always be my favorite spot. The waves are usually always perfect for body boarders of my skill level (think white wash). We met Ashley the other weekend and it was my perfect day. The two of them traded off holding Jenna and I got to body board with Sam and Ashley for a good few hours. We had many-a-contests to see who could go further on the same wave, and Sam loved trying to run me over when I wasn't paying attention :)

Good Morning!

This morning the waves were BIG. The report said 18-20 feet (which means 30-40 foot face), and maybe they weren't quite that big, but they were impressive. We woke up early, grabbed our blankets and beach chairs, and headed to Waimea just to watch them for about an hour before Sam headed off to work. Poor Jenna is going to be quite the weather weenie like her Mama. She has a hard time handling wind or anything below 75 degrees :)

February 3, 2012

The Big 3-0

I couldn't not post this picture from 10 years ago, when Sam was 20. Oh, baby! Sam turned 30 on Sunday. We went out to Cheesecake Factory the night before, and then he had quite the exciting birthday between early morning meetings, church, and home teaching :) We did manage to get away to North Shore for a few hours to pick up Ashley and have dinner with JJ and Ahu's family, as well as Kawika and Pua's family. Sam first moved to Hawaii with Kawika, and they stayed with JJ for a few weeks while they found an apartment. Nine years and a lot of kids later, and we still are able to all get together.


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