March 9, 2010

twenty-six, yikes!

Inching closer and closer to 30.... it's starting to scare me! Because after 30, is 40. However, the day was wonderful. I woke up early to a TP'd house with all sorts of funny signs. Sam is a real trooper to carry on my family's traditions. We went to an early breakfast at Mimi's, I worked most of the day, and came home from work to flowers, dinner with Sam, and a late night movie at home. I think Sam was exhausted by the time the day was over :)
My wishes for year 26: 1. a BABY! 2. that our jobs work out 3. that if our jobs don't work out, one in Hawaii does 4. increased peace and balance in my life
(Don't be alarmed by the bloody neck, it's just Bella)


dani said...

i'm feeling you on the yikes factor of being 26! Happy Birthday! I miss you! by the way where are you working?

larainydays said...

Okay, which do you want...increased peace in your life or a baby, because they are mutually exclusive!

mmm... said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sam is so thoughtful. I hope it was a good one!

Aynna banahna said...

That is so cute! You guys are adorable! Derek and I should start traditions like those, especially now with a baby


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