After last year's 8 month winter, Sam and I decided that this year we had better buy season passes to Wolf Mountain, the local place to ski/snowboard. So we bought skis for me, a board for him, and the season passes and what do you know, it is the first time in 8 years that the parks did not open before Thanksgiving! There is absolutely no snow and it has been around 50 degrees. So last Saturday Wolf Mountain blew fake snow down one run. It was about 40 feet wide and the snow was melting quickly because it was so warm, which meant skiing on ice! Beginner (me) skiing on ice = disaster! It was a lot of fun but I definitely embarrassed Sam. They had to stop the lift 4 times for me (yes, 4!), due to the fact that my skis kept getting tangled when I would try to get on the lift. And once they got stuck around a pole next to the chair lift, don't ask how!
Background on Sam: Last year he went boarding once and somehow ripped the hood off his new boarding jacket. Saturday he took his brand new board and and split open the front of it. Luckily we just got him insurance this month...... Anyways we had a blast. I flew down the hill hoping not to crash and Sam had fun doing jumps and pretending like he was going to crash into me.